Carlsbad is a part of western-Bohemia triangle of spa towns. Together with Marienbad and Franzensbad they have been aiming to be listed among UNESCO sights this year.
The picturesque town is situated in the valley of the rivers Teplá and Ohře. It was founded in the 14th century by Charles IV. According to a legend the Kaiser had them built soon after thermal springs were discovered by his hunters by a chance. The spa became popular with numbers of aristocratic families and rich burghers already in 16th century. Unfortunately, due to several natural disasters, which took place during that time, only few buildings from that period remained. Most of the buildings and other sights were built during 18th and 19th century, a golden period of the town. After 1989 the city saw a huge Russian investment. According to rumours almost a half of all buildings in the town are owned by citizens from the former Soviet Union countries.
Historical centre of Carlsbad
The local spa sector is based on the use of hot mineral water with healing properties which comes from debts of around 2,000 meters. The local mineral water is good for treatment of illnesses of livers, intestines and stomach. There are several spa houses in the town. After 1918 historical spa buildings were numbered and today out of six original balneo-treatment centres four have been preserved until today and only two of those are still in service.
Out of 28 Carlsbad’s springs 13 are used for mineral water drinking treatments. There are 5 colonnaded in Carlsbad- Vřídelní, Mlýnská, Sadová, Tržní, Zámecká.
One of the town´s most striking features are Roman Catholic church of the St. Maria Magdalena – a baroque church build between 1732 – 1736 by Kilian Ignac Dientzenhofer – and orthodox church of St. Peter and Paul, designed by the architect Gustav Wiedermann between 1732-1736.
Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul
A physician Dr. David Becher significantly helped the fame of the spa by his modernization of Carlsbad balneology. In 1807 his nephew a pharmacist Josef Vitus Becher started the production of well-known stomach bitter liquor.
Another Carlsbad speciality are so called Spa waffles.
Glass and porcelain
Carlsbad region is renowned for its glass and porcelain manufactures. More than 10 porcelain factories had been active there and some of them have been making porcelain products until these days.
Another industrial sector significant for Carlsbad is glass manufacturing. The best known is Moser company founded in 1857 by Ludwig Moser, which makes glasses and glass decorations. In 2008 a glass museum was opened in the manufacture.
International film festival
Several cultural events take place in Carlsbad. The most significant is the international film festival held in July, which is visited by several famous film stars and personalities from all over the world and during which the best film is awarded the Crystal Globe.
Golf Courses
About 10 km from the centre of Carlsbad one of the oldest and most significant golf course in the Central Europe can be found.